paper piano
February 2011
@Object International Art fair
@DMY International Design Festival



상호작용, 상호소통이라는 것이 다이애나 밴드의 기본 키워드이지만, 그것은 그 단어 만큼 거창하지 않을지도 모른다.
본인의 어머니께서 피아노 교습소를 운영하시던 터라,종이 피아노로 운지연습을 하던 아이들을 종종 볼 수 있었는데,
그들은 종이 오브젝트와 손 연주, 그리고 노래부르기, 음색 상상하기 등의 환상적인 상호작용을 구현한다.
종이위에 전기전도성 물질로 회로를 그리고, 소리 발생기를 연결하여, 종이피아노는 소리를 낸다.


  paper piano is a paper object which realizes the fantastic interaction between paper piano and humming(singing) of children in Wonjung’s memory. Her mother was a piano teacher. So, her house was usually full of piano sounds that children are playing. While they are waiting for their turn for the piano, they used to play a paper piano. The paper piano did not make any sounds by itself, but was no problem to children because they also pleasantly sang it while they are playing.\\    

a circuit on paper
On Two of three sheets, circuits are drawn by Nikel spray which is conductive,
using the stensil printing method.
If two circuits face each other, there are some points to be fit perfectly.
If someone press on the points, a signal change occurs so that the sound generator can detect it.

The first edition of paper piano is sold out by collector and artist Gerben Hermanus.